Friday, March 13, 2009

Each Child Is Different

Everywhere you turn someone has an opinion on how you should raise your children, including how to discipline them. The reality is that you know your children best. There is no doubt that information from articles and books can give some helpful advice, but knowing your own child and what will work for them is vitally important.

One of the biggest challenges is that not all children are the same and this is often the case even within the same family. As previously mentioned there are so many ideas thrashed about, “time out” is one often mentioned, and while this may work for some children, it is important to note it may not work for others and trying to enforce this type of discipline will not work.

My own children require different styles of discipline, my daughter would be thrilled to be sent to her room, where she would occupy her time reading or playing, so this is not effective, whereas my son, just lays on his bed - this works for him. I have had to spend a lot of time to work out what works for them individually, and it is a constant learning process as they grow and change.

Many people are horrified at the use of the word “discipline” thinking it automatically means a physical punishment, this is not the case. Discipline is important because it helps the children understand that in life (its even the same when your a ‘grown-up’) there are rules, and that if the rules are broken, there are consequences. we know as adults that if we drink too much, then get into our car and drive, we are breaking the rules of licensing and if we could face some very serious repercussions. Likewise, when discipline is handled in the right way, and is not harmful to the child, it can help them learn skills that will be built upon and used right throughout their lives.

Of course the “time should fit the crime” over reacting to small issues and not acting on small ones will only create frustration both for you and the child, the type of discipline should be in relation to what has occurred. 

So because each child is different, it is important to gather lots of advice form many sources, and then filter out what worked. It may be a time of trial and error, but once you find what works best for each member of your household, the family will be able to run smoother.

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